Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Some new stuff!

Whoaaaaaa I am so excited about all this.
You might remember that I have a list of things I want to do this summer, and on this list was 'buy ( ) by Sigur Rós' and 'Buy something for yourself that you wouldn't normally buy'.


I bought an awesome new camera with actual great quality, so I'll be able to make better pictures for my blog and film my vlogs in better quality. The camera I used to use was my sister's. I'm also not the only one who thinks this camera is the best, this dude likes it too! It's an Olympus XZ 10.

Here's some of the pictures I made with it

I also bought some notebooks to be very organised in my blogging and vlogging :) I'm excited to continue and make more videos and posts for you! 

In the meantime you can listen to these songs I've been loving lately

Don't Forget Who You Are - Miles Kane

Отава Ё - Что за песни (Otava Yo - what songs)

I hope you have a great day and I'll speak to you soon!


PS: If you haven't seen my very first vlog yet, you can watch it here

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